In case you are interested in background information for Benzimidazoles, please follow this link: Information on Benzimidazoles
Recommendations on Resistance Management for Benzimidazoles
Due to the widespread incidence of benzimidazole resistance in many fungal populations, good resistance management practices must be implemented as soon as possible in order to delay or prevent further changes in sensitivity in the target pathogens.
There are no specific recommendations for benzimidazoles. Both mixtures and alternations are valid strategies to minimize the risk of resistance development. In case of tank-mixtures, the benzimidazole fungicide must be applied at its label dose together with the appropriate dose of an effective, non-cross-resistant partner fungicide. Benzimidazole-based products must be integrated in a spray program containing fungicides having a different site of action and effective on the target pest. In order to reduce selection pressure, the total number of benzimidazole applications should not exceed that indicated on the product label. The exclusive use of benzimidazole fungicides must be avoided. Post-infection, curative treatments must be reserved for special situations where no alternatives are available.
The above recommendations must be integrated in an overall disease management program combining appropriate methods of cultural, biological as well as chemical disease control. Implementation of the above strategies must take into account the particular characteristics of the crop, pest and geographic area in which the benzimidazole product is to be applied.