Fungicide Resistance Action Committee


Please find below the most recent updates on the FRAC website including FRAC Mode of Action Poster, Code List and annually updated Minutes of the FRAC Working Group meetings containing the Summary of Monitoring activities and Resistance Management Recommendations.

  • 04.16.2021

    Minutes and recommendations of the CAA Working Group are now available

    Minutes and recommendations of the CAA WG meeting held in January 2021 are now available.

    Summary of most monitoring-data from 2020 for CAAs is given the minutes: Link
    Missing data will be added soon and published, subsequently.

    Based on the monitoring, no changes were made to CAA WG recommendations for 2021 (link) compared the previous year.

  • 04.08.2021

    Minutes and recommendations of the QoI Working Group telephone conference in January and March 2021 are now available

    Minutes and recommendations of the QoI Working Group from the telephone conference held on 25th  and 26th of January 2021 as well as 3rd of March are now available.

    The updated summary of monitoring-data for QoIs is given in the minutes (link).

    No further changes were made to QoI WG recommendations for 2021 (link) compared that published last year.

  • 03.26.2021

    Minutes and recommendations of the SBI Working Group from 3rd of March are now available

    Minutes and recommendations of the SBI WG from the telephone conference held on 3rd of March 2021 are now available.
    Based on the monitoring, no changes were made to SBI WG recommendations for 2021 (link) compared to the previous year.

  • 03.26.2021

    Further Resistance Management Recommendations for Modes of Action not covered by FRAC Working Groups were added

    Further Resistance Management Recommendations for Modes of Action not covered by FRAC Working Groups were added:
    - Group 21 (C4) - amisulbrom, cyazofamid (QiI) Recommendations 12th of February 2021
    - Group U12 (Guanidines) - Dodine Recommendations 22th of December 2020
    - Group U27 (Cyanoacetamide-oxime) - Cymoxanil Recommendations 4th of January 2021

    The recommendations can be downloaded from the list on the lower part of the following page:

  • 03.25.2021

    The updated FRAC Code List© 2021 is now available for download

    The updated FRAC Code List© 2021 is now available for download
    The 2021-version of the FRAC Code List© is now available for download in PDF- as well as Excel-format. Copies may be printed freely for educational purposes. Here is an overview of the most important changes:
    - Group 7 (C2): cyclobutrifluram
    - Group 21 (C4): florylpicoxamid
    - P08: dichlobentiazox
    - M03: amobam
    - BM01: Reclassification of TTO and plant oils
    - BM02: inclusion of a list of additional biocontrol agents

    The PDF- as well as Excel-file can be downloaded using following link:

    An update of the 2021-version of the FRAC Mode of Action Poster will be added soon.


Dr. Courtney Gallup
FRAC Communication and Website Officer

Dr. Courtney Gallup
FRAC Communication Officer

Corteva Agriscience
Crop Protection Discovery & Development