Fungicide Resistance Action Committee


Please find below the most recent updates on the FRAC website including FRAC Mode of Action Poster, Code List and annually updated Minutes of the FRAC Working Group meetings containing the Summary of Monitoring activities and Resistance Management Recommendations.

  • 02.15.2024

    Dr. Courtney Gallup elected as new Communication and Website Officer of FRAC

    In January 2024, the FRAC Steering Committee voted on a change in committee membership. Dr. Courtney Gallup (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) was elected as the new Communication and Website Officer. Courtney succeeds Dr. Juergen Derpmann, Bayer AG (Monheim, Germany) in this position. The FRAC Steering Committee thanks Dr. Derpmann for his seven years of excellent service and dedication.

  • 12.18.2023

    Updates of website for 2023 were implemented

    All updates of the FRAC website for 2032 were implemented:

  • 02.21.2023

    Minutes and recommendations of the SBI Working Group were made available

    Minutes and recommendations of the following FRAC SBI Working Group Meetings held in January 2023 are now available:

    Summary of most monitoring-data is given the minutes: Link. Based on the monitoring, no changes were made to SBI WG recommendations for 2022 (link) compared the previous year.

    Monitoring data especially for most horticultural crops will be added during the next meeting in April 2023.

  • 02.21.2023

    Minutes and recommendations of the CAA Working Group are now available

    Minutes and recommendations of the CAA WG meeting held in January 2023 are now available.

    Summary of most monitoring-data from 2022 for CAAs is given the minutes: link

    Based on the monitoring, following changes were made to CAA WG recommendations for Phytophthora infestans in 2023 (link) compared the previous year:
    • Apply CAA fungicides always at recommended dose rates
    • Apply CAA fungicides using not more than 2 consecutive applications
    • Apply CAA fungicides preferably in mixtures with effective partners belonging to different modes of action
    • An effective partner for a CAA fungicide is one that provides satisfactory disease control when used alone at the mixture rate
    • Good agricultural practices must be considered to reduce source of inoculum, disease pressure and resistance risk, e.g. consider to plant resistant varieties and refer to disease prediction models

    In regions with reported cases of resistance:

    • CAA fungicides must be used in mixtures, with not more than 2 consecutive applications
    • In case mixtures cannot be applied for regulatory reasons, apply CAA fungicide in strict alternation


  • 11.07.2022

    Updated minutes and recommendations of the SBI, SDHI and QoI Working Group meetings focusing on Soy and Cotton were made available

    The updated minutes and recommendations focusing on Soy and Cotton of the following FRAC Working Group Meetings held in September 2022 are now available:

    • SBIs: Summary of most monitoring-data is given the minutes. Based on the monitoring, no changes were made to SBI WG recommendations for 2022 (link) compared to the previous meeting in January.
    • SDHIs: Summary of most monitoring-data is given the minutes. Based on the monitoring, no changes were made to SDHI WG recommendations for 2022 (link) compared the previous year.
    • QoIs: Summary of most monitoring-data is given the minutes. Based on the monitoring, no changes were made to QoI WG recommendations for 2022 (link) compared to the previous meeting in January.


Dr. Courtney Gallup
FRAC Communication and Website Officer

Dr. Courtney Gallup
FRAC Communication Officer

Corteva Agriscience
Crop Protection Discovery & Development