Fungicide Resistance Action Committee


Please find below the most recent updates on the FRAC website including FRAC Mode of Action Poster, Code List and annually updated Minutes of the FRAC Working Group meetings containing the Summary of Monitoring activities and Resistance Management Recommendations.


Publication of the FRAC Code List© 2016.

 The 2016 version of the FRAC Code List© is available on the publications page (  Changes to this year's version include:

  1. B6, group 47 was added for phenamacril.
  2. The mode of action for the entire B group was renamed to "Cytoskeleton and motor proteins".
  3. Pydiflumetofen was added to SDHI, group 7.
  4. Validamycin was removed from H3, group 26 and reclassified to U18.
  5. The group name for picarbutrazox in U17 was corrected.
  6. Zinc thiazole was added to category M3.
  7. A new category, M12, was added for the lupine extract branded as BLAD. 


Dr. Courtney Gallup
FRAC Communication and Website Officer

Dr. Courtney Gallup
FRAC Communication Officer

Corteva Agriscience
Crop Protection Discovery & Development